“Gung Hay Fat Choy” – Happy New Year!
Posted by Birdston Care Home

Today we celebrated Chinese New Year at Birdston Care Home. Our residents enjoyed Chinese related arts & crafts including quizzes, word searches, crosswords and colouring. Our main activity was making Chinese lanterns and decorating them using coloured card & gems.
Anne won 1st prize for her lantern and Jimmy won 1st prize for his efforts of completing the most word searches and quizzes relating to the Chinese zodiacs.
A delicious lunch was made by our kitchen staff, residents enjoyed beef stir fry, chicken curry with rice, spare ribs, chicken skewers and prawn crackers. Anne said she would never have believed she would’ve been able to make one of the lanterns and was very pleased with herself for winning 1st prize!
Claudia said “it was lots of fun making & decorating the lanterns with our residents. They were all very proud of their achievements.”